Monday, March 23, 2009

one argument against private schools

I wrote a three point article last time and I feel that it might have been a bit too long just for a blog entry so I'll try making a shorter one this time. 

Fairness is a value I think we all aspire to... with the exception of private schools. How are private schools exactly fair to students who can't afford to attend them? These schools regularly promote how superior they are to public schools and for me it's more of a taunt. A showing off that, because one child's parents are of a different class, they get special treatment. 

Someone could say :"Hey, that kid's parents worked hard for that money so send her or him to this special school!". First off, that's not a given. Secondly that kid's parents worked hard. Not the actual child. That, is where we find unfairness in the school system as we know it.

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